Job Description - Web Programmer

Job Description - Web Programmer

Discover the work of a Web Programmer, a job that requires programming and coding skils, but also organisation and independence

The Web Programmer is primarily a technician and an engineer, but the numerous tasks and knowledge they need to master make them quite versatile. May they work in big companies, small companies, in freelance, on websites, or on apps, they need to respect constraints and learn a lot of various skills.

The major tasks of a Web Programmer

  • The Web Programmer has to analyze the needs of their client, and know how to resolve their problems or create what they wish for.
  • They will proceed to imagine a concept for the website or the app, and create its structure.
  • Then comes the programming, the writing of the code.
  • After the first draft of the code is written, the Web Programmer will test their website and correct any eventual bug that might have occurred.
  • Lastly, they will need to continue providing service to the client after the creation of the website, to program a maintenance or such, or write documents for the user, providing them with a technical help.

The skills and constraints

The Web Programmer has a lot of tasks to handle. They may simply resolve problems from already existing sites, or create brand new ones from start to finish.

To do such they will primarily need be creative, come up with interesting concepts and be up to date on all the new innovations that are always coming up.

After the concept has been decided, the programming comes next and a lot of skills in programming languages are absolutely necessary.

Lastly, they need to be independent, and be able to work alone. They may collaborate with other Web Designers if they work in bigger companies, but most of the time they will work alone.

The Future of Web Programmers

The internet and the field of the digital is constantly expending, and the perspectives of jobs for aspiring Web Programmers are flourishing.

With enough experience, they may try to become Lead Developers.