Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find the answers the most important questions you may have to apply our courses

How much does training cost ?

The price of the training depends on various criteria, the most important is the duration. Most of trainings are cut in 3 independent levels. Each level usually costs 4,600€. The complete training will cost 13,800€ for 18 months follow-up.

What are the payment terms ?

Because the training lasts several months, your payment could also be spread in 6 monthly installment for a 6 months training. The payment is mostly done by bank transfer thanks to the IBAN provided. If this condition doesn't suit you, please inform us, other solutions exist.

Do I have to make a long-term commitment ?

We understand that it is difficult to control your life planning over a long period of time. When you apply, you're only engaged for the intended level, that is 6 months, not for 18 months directly.

What is the duration of the training ?

Usually, training duration is 18 months. Most of our trainings are cut in 3 levels of 6 independent months.

How are the courses going ?

After your registration, you receive a password to have access to our courses and our chat. On the course platform, a planning will show you the courses and videos to watch for the week, as well as a practical goal to reach. The principle is to define a small project and to rely on our course and on teachers' support, to progress gradually.

How is the follow-up going ?

Teachers are here to help you. When you submit a work, they look at it and give you feedback, improvement advices and they help you when you're stuck. Most of the follow-up is done by chat. The follow-up is mostly individual and tries to answer individual questions and problems.

Are there any marks ?

We don't give marks. Our teaching method is based on practice and project work. Projects can be quite diversified, and most of all, you'll progress gradually. Giving a mark at some point seems a little indicative for us. We aim to make you progress on specific topics. Instead of marks, we make a small assessment at the end of the project. This one is submitted on the platform, and remains visible during your whole training.

How are projects carried out ?

We have 2 types of projects : free and supervised projects. The most common are the supervised ones. They are quite short in terms of duration, usually between 1 and 3 weeks, and they are linked to specific learnings that will have to be worked. During these projects, you'll define a target by yourself, in agreement with the teacher and by considering the given obligations. These targets are notified in writing, and serve as a basis for follow-up.
There are fewer free projects, 1 to 3 per level, but they have a longer duration. You fully define your targets, without obligation. The purpose is to put yourself in a true production situation.

Can I study at my own pace ?

Training sessions follow a planning. This planning helps having available specialized teachers at some point to help you as best possible. This planning allows you to be part of a group and to create mutual aid with other learners, and even make joint projects.
If you have strong external restraint, this planning might be too restrictive for you. In that case, we can search for an individual solution to adapt the follow-up.

Are the courses in video ?

Available courses on the platform are of various types. It mostly depends on the author, on the complexity or on the content type. Typically, artistic courses have a lot of videos, while programming courses are rather written because coding is writing, and having the written code allows you to simply copy and paste.
In any case, we'll try to use the better media according to the situation.

How can I do without the internet ?

If you don't have any internet connection, the follow-up is going to be complicated. It will be difficult for you to access the courses and most of all, the follow-up won't be appropriate. If you're in this situation, please contact us to see how we can organize the training.

Can the training be taken in person ?

Trainings are currently available online and face-to-face, only in Rennes, France.

Who are Activdesign teachers ?

Activdesign is a large team, with about 25 people, including permanent teachers and speakers. Thanks to our permanents, your follow-up is established by people who know you, so they have an overview of your progress and your goals. Thanks to speakers, you have access to specialists on specific topics. Our speakers are directly in touch with you or they communicate through our permanents, as appropriate. Everyone comes with their own skills to help you progress.
Many teachers also wrote books in their mother tongue or in English.

What is the purchase budget for softwares ?

Activdesign is a strong supporter of free softwares. Many members participate in developing softwares like Inkscape, Blender, Godot... To give equal access to digital tools, these softwares are mostly free. They are developed by professionals for their own needs, like the studio branch of Activdesign for example, which contributes to Inskcape and Godot. Coming to Activdesign is also contributing to the improvement of these tools. If you want to try other tools, it's up to you.

Do I need specific equipment ?

Not really. You should generally have a computer that is not too old (3 years) powered by a graphics board with dedicated memory. If you have an older computer, it can be enough but it might be slow at some point. If you're in an artistic discipline, consider the purchase of a graphics tablet. The HUION brand is affordable and the cost will depend on the size of the tablet. Do it according to your financial resources, we can do without.
The main thing is the internet connection, which is necessary for courses and follow-up.

What is Activdesign's experience ?

Activdesign train since 2004. It has a great experience in digital education, and its members have worked in several other schools. Trainings dedicated to video games exist since 2013, which makes the center a pioneer in the sector. It is also a reference training center in graphics, using free softwares.
The training platform is developed internally, customized, to facilitate its use and its harmony with educational needs. In September 2021, there were more than 60 registrants with more than 70,000 followup messages exchanged.

And I can't make a bank transfer ?

If your bank doesn't allow international money transfer, don't hesitate to contact us directly at ### to evaluate the best solution for everyone.

And if I have payment difficulties ?

If you're paying your training using monthly payments and you're in temporary financial difficulties, do not stay without warning us. Our accounting department could cut your account. Tell us about your problem and we'll find a potential solution.

My bank tells me there are transfer fees, is that normal ?

It's quite normal. You, as the issuer, and us as the destinatary, we share the costs. The bank transfer stays the most reliable way for both sides.

What happens if I realize that the training is not for me ?

Your training can be stopped if you ask for its abandonment within 14 days after the beginning of the training. After this date, you're considered as registrant until the end, and you must ensure the full payment of your educational follow-up.

If I ask to stop my training, will I get my money back ?

If your training started less than 14 days ago, you'll get your money back, but 960 euros of registration fee and set-up costs remain due. Everything you gave in addition will be returned to you. You can look for the best solution with our accounting department.
If your training started more than 14 days ago, the period of withdrawal is over. You're considered as registered by default for the whole session, and you must ensure the payment until the end.