Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Read are tremendous legal notice

Activdesign legal notice about this website and company

The company :

  • company name : Activdesign SARL
  • SARL with capital of 7,000€
  • company number : 841 247 893
  • office : 11b rue Jean le Ho, 35000 Rennes, France

The training organisation

  • declaration of training activity registered under the number 53 35 103 2135 with the Prefect of Brittany. This registration does not constitute state approval.
  • training organisation since 2005

This website

  • responsible for writing : Cédric Gémy
  • host : OVH SAS : 2 rue Kellermann - BP 80157 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1
  • no personal data capture from this website. For more information read Personal Data Privacy page
  • All content created by Activdesign or authoring mentionned in with the page or filename.