Terms and conditions on our online courses

Terms and conditions on our online courses

Read our terms and conditions before applying

Description of general sales conditions

The present general sales conditions are applied to the products offered by Activdesign, regardless of the original site.  The present conditions are concluded between, on the one hand, the company Activdesign Sarl, registered in the RCS RENNES under the number of SIREN 841 247 893, whose Head Office is located at 11b rue Jean le Ho, 35000 Rennes, France, hereinafter referred to as "ACTIVDESIGN", and on the other hand, any person, hereinafter referred to as the "trainee" subscribing to a training course provided by ACTIVDESIGN. The term "trainee" is used here to mean a trainee in continuing education and not a trainee in a company.

Activdesign is registered under the number 53 35 103 2135 with the Prefect of Brittany. This number does not constitute state approval.


The purpose of these general sales conditions is to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the sale of all training courses offered to the trainee by ACTIVDESIGN.They apply irrespective of the clauses contained in the customer's documents and especially in his general terms of purchase.

Specific conditions

For some training courses and depending on the context, special sale condititons may appear on the quotation, the order form, the individual training protocol or be sent to the client with one of these documents. In case of contradiction between the special conditions of sale and these general sale condtions, the provisions of the special conditions of sale shall prevail.

In the case where any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are declared void or unwritten, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the original intent of the parties.


ACTIVDESIGN may modify at any time the present General Sales Conditions. The applicable General Terms and Conditions of Sale are those that have been given to and accepted by the customer. In case of change, condition during the period of the service, the trainee will have the authorization.

Definition of stakeholders
Any legal or natural person who purchases the service is defined as a Customer. Any natural person who benefits from the training is defined as a Trainee.
Activdesign is defined as a training center.


Value-added taxes on training
The prices are indicated in EUROS all taxes included. They are net of taxes, ACTIVDESIGN is not subject to VAT under Article 261 paragraph 4-4 of the General Tax Code.
Value-added taxes on other products
The graphic products, communication, writing, programming or any other product ACTIVDESIGN that training products are subject to VAT at 20%.

Rate changes

ACTIVDESIGN reserves the right to modify its prices and fees at any time. The rate applicable to the trainee is the rate mentioned at the time of registration. This rate is valid for the entire training session. ACTIVDESIGN won't ask the trainee to accept the change in price during the session. However, the new rate may be applicable to future sessions attended by the trainee.

Special features

Companies wishing to train their staff may have different pricing or contractual conditions. Companies wishing to register trainees should contact our sales department beforehand to determine the best option.
The client or company must ensure that the prerequisites or the objective of the training is appropriate for the needs of the trainees. Activdesign can provide support in evaluating these elements.

Order confirmation

The order of a training course is considered validated on the date of signature of the contract or the training agreement.
In the case of a third party (company, OPCO...), the signature of the agreement or the acceptance of the offer is considered as registration.
In the case of the registration of a trainee in his or her own name, the registration is said to be definitive when the first payment is made.
Confirmation can be done by acceptance through an online form with at least two validation clikcs, represented by a double-click or acceptance checkboxes followed by a validation click, in accordance with the law of March 13, 2000 on electronic signature.
In this case, the data recorded by ACTIVDESIGN constitute proof of registration. The financial data related to the registration is provided by the bank payment service that serves as intermediary.

Coverage by a third party

In any case, the client and the trainees are responsible for the payment of their training.
In the case of coverage by a third party organization, the registered trainee must ensure the payment of his training in case of refusal or non-payment by the said organization. In case of partial coverage, the remaining amount will be paid by the trainee or the client.
In this case, the withdrawal period isn't applicable.


IDs and passwords to connect to the training platform and the various services are provided approximately 5 days before the start of the training.
These codes are personal and non-transferable. They cannot be modified by the trainee. In case of loss, he or she will have to ask for them again.
Services will be available until the end date mentioned in the training agreement.

In case of failure of ACTIVDESIGN to its obligation to deliver :*

  • the trainee must remind ACTIVDESIGN of his obligation to deliver by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, sent to ACIVDESIGN, 11b rue Jean le Ho, 35000 Rennes France
  • if despite this reminder, the services are still not delivered within 14 days, the trainee may cancel the contract by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt sent to ACIVDESIGN, 11b rue Jean le Ho, 35000 Rennes France

Then, ACTIVDESIGN has 14 days to make a refund of amounts already paid.


The training payment can be done according to the payment methods accepted by ACTIVDESIGN :

  • payment by cheque
  • payment by bank transfer
  • payment by credit card on the phone

The data related to bank details are neither known or kept by ACTIVDESIGN.
Only bank providers have access to this information to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of transactions.

Right of withdrawal

According to article L 6353-5 of the labor code, the trainee has 10 days to retract from the date of contracting. In case of early payment of a part of the course fee, it will be refunded.
After this period, the trainee is considered to be definitely registered and undertakes to finance the entire course.
After the mentioned deadline, any started training is fully due as a lump sum.

Termination in case of force majeure

When a particular unforeseen event radically affects the life of the trainee registered as an individual, and he/she is no longer able to follow the training, an exceptional break can be requested by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, sent to ACIVDESIGN, 11b rue Jean le Ho, 35000 Rennes France

Only the part of the training that has not been completed can be repaid in proportion to the time spent and the total amount of the training session.

Website protection and non-competition

The entire content of the website as well as written and video courses are protected by copyright law and are the property of ACTIVDESIGN. Some content under specific licenses (GPL, Creative Commons) quote their authors, and any reuse must comply with the license specifically linked to the content.
The content is provided  for educational purposes only, as a support for skills acquisition.
The trainee shall not reproduce, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any comercial purpose any part of the training, any use of the training or any right of access to the training. Otherwise, the offender is liable to prosecution.


In the event that one of the clauses of these General Terms and Sales Conditions is rendered null and void by a change in legislation, regulations or by a court decision, this shall in no way affect the validity of and compliance with these General Terms and Sales Conditions.


These conditions apply for the duration of the contract between ACTIVDESIGN and the customer or trainee.

Geographical validity

These conditions are applicable in metropolitan France, in the DOM-TOM, in the European Union and in the rest of the world.

Applicable law

The present General Sales Conditions are subject to French law. The present General Sales Conditions are written in French. In case of disagreement on the translation, the French version is authoritative.

In accordance with the provisions of articles L 611-1 and R 612-1 and following of the Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes : When the consumer has sent a written complaint to the professional and has not obtained satisfaction or an answer within two months, he can submit his complaint free of charge to the consumer mediator. The mediator must be contacted within one year of the initial complaint.

The mediator is MEDIATION-NET. It can be entered directly online at the following address :

www.mediation-net-consommation.com – or by letter MEDIATION-NET – 34, rue des Épinettes – 75017 PARIS

In case of dispute on its interpretation and/or execution not resolved amicably or through Mediation.Net, 34, rue des Epinettes 75017 Paris, (also reachable at the following email addressmediation.conso@mediation-net.com, http://www.mediation-net-consommation.com), the learner's court shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Regulatory reference texts :

French law :

  • Law of March 13, 2000 on electronic signatures
  • Data-processing law and freedoms of January 6, 1978 modified by the law of August 6, 2004
  • Labor Code articles : Articles L 6353-5, L 6353-7, L.6354-1, L. 6411-1 et L. 6412-2
  • Consumer Code articles : Articles L121-20-12, L121-1, L 138-2 et L138-3
  • Education code articles : Article L335-5 modified by the law n°2016-1088 du 8 août 2016 – art. 78
  • Civil code articles : Article 1148 of the Civil Code and its interpretation by the jurisprudence
  • Sport code article : Article L. 221-2 of the Sport Code
  • Article of the general tax code : Article 261 paragraph 4-4